Monday, October 17, 2011

The Longing Sadness

Day by day alone I sat behind my window

Staring at the falling wrinkled drying leafs
One by one they reached the cold ground
Then blown away by the dry autumn wind

Suddenly the light in my room began to dim
But still I stayed on my old leather couch
Until the street lamps were all turned on
I stood up and walked myself on to my bed

Rest myself on it but not my agitated mind
The lights from the moving vehicles broke in
And created moving silhouettes on my walls
Another restless night I had to go through

In every breathe I took I felt your absence
My eyes were dry out but I cried in silence
The tears streamed to the depth of my heart
And slowly this beating heart began to break

Leaving myself to what I had once believed
That one day you'd be back again in my arms
So I could once again kiss your rose wine lips
Within this heart would once again blossoms

Written by Reny Kanon
Disclaimer: I don't own the picture


  1. ..great melancolc.."...And created moving silhouettes on my walls ..its good idea..good imagine..xi xi xi nose.. have a cold flend

  2. u'r Sephiroth's Black Black Heart ..nice.. entertainly..for me.. and i put on/give that fish..clik my mouse..xi xi xi ...nice day flend

  3. thanks.. have a nice day too friend
